ROA Graphic Beanie 毛帽
ROA Graphic Beanie 毛線帽 RBUW215YA05
這款 ROA 毛線帽採用馬海毛、羊毛、腈綸與聚醯胺纖維混紡,提供絕佳的保暖與吸濕效果。棕黃色搭配對比色針織標誌設計,展現獨特風格與辨識度,非常適合秋冬季節的戶外活動佩戴。
- 材質:50% 腈綸、30% 聚醯胺、10% 馬海毛、10% 羊毛
- 功能:天然吸濕,保持乾燥溫暖
- 設計:對比色針織標誌點綴
- 顏色:棕黃色
- 製造地:義大利
Shipping Instructions
1.國內 / Domestic:
Standard delivery (ensure correct postal code). Delivery takes 1-3 business days (excluding holidays) after logistics pick-up.
2.海外 / International:
海外寄送服務(不適用於 Mystery Ranch 與 Nanga 商品),請提供英文收件資訊,運送時間依報關流程,無法配送地區將另行通知。
Overseas shipping service (excluding Mystery Ranch and Nanga products). Please provide recipient details in English. Delivery time depends on customs clearance, and non-serviceable areas will be notified.
3.提醒 / Note:
Ensure accurate recipient information to avoid delays or additional charges. Shipping progress can be tracked via system updates.